Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy News!!

Heard from my friend at Ideal today. Sometime next week I'm going down to their office to look at the new section and pick a lot. Then I get to go to the school district to make sure it's in the district. So, we're moving forward ... much like a herd of turtles ... but forward progress all the same! :-)

Other updates from last blog: my thumb is still numb but has moments of random pins and needles and or electical-type shots down my thumb. So, is feeling something better than nothing? Still to be determined.

I drove Dad's Jeep the last few days. Decided I really do like it. Unfortunately, when I brought it back tonight Daddy made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to give it up - eh, I like my car.

Finally, I caught up on sleep a lot last few days. It's been nice. It feels good to go to bed knowing I don't have to get up until tomorrow. And speaking of sleep - off to sleep!


Anonymous said...

So exciting! know you can't wait to get the process going!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good day. Do you know yet when you can go. I am going to Ft. Worth with seniors Wed. and Thurs. We are taking the train. Dad's not going. I'll talk with you tomorrow. Give me a call when you are up LOVE Me